Needlework for all ages

The needlewomen of the Volga-Don NGO on October 29 held a needlework workshop in the city library No. 6 for girls from the Constellation kids club.

Together with the adult needlewomen, the beginning craftswomen made souvenir hats of the needle bed, tricolor brooches for the Day of National Unity. The joint creativity of children and adults helps children master the sewing technique, and adults, to transfer their experience and knowledge to young students.
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Subbotnik in the Ecological square of Volgodonsk Public Chamber

October 19, 2019 throughout the region passed a single day of afforestation, to which Volgodonsk joined.

In the Ecological square of the Volgodonsk Public Chamber, an autumn clean-up was also held. Activists of the Chamber together with students of VITI NIIUU MEPhI (Volgodonsk Engineering Institute. Branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI), Samarskiy college, medical college, pedagogical college planted young seedlings of poplar, boxwood, maples, dug trees that have already taken root, removed garbage from the territory of the park and around.

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The delegation of the Volga-Don NGO visited the Loga Park: Volgodonsk has something to learn

The delegation of the Volga-Don regional public organization visited the unique landscape park “Loga” in the village of Staraya Stanitsa near Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

The trip took place as part of the Active Generation project, which became one of the winners of the municipal grant competition. It involves active and healthy leisure – the Volga-Don members are engaged in physical therapy in the clinic number 3, sing, are fond of needlework, and participate in many significant city events. A trip to the famous park has become an exciting journey that will be remembered for a long time. Continue reading “The delegation of the Volga-Don NGO visited the Loga Park: Volgodonsk has something to learn”

Active generation

The cycle of physical therapy classes for the participants of the project “Active Generation” of Volga-Don NGO started on October 4. It was supported by the Volgodonsk Administration.

The first 12 representatives of the older generation mastered a number of useful exercises. Andrey Uderevsky, instructor of the MUZ GP No. 3, conducted classes aimed at preventing cervical osteochondrosis, establishing correct posture, warming up the shoulder and wrist joints.

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Man is not alive by bread alone

A creative meeting of Volgodonsk writers and poets with the participants of the Active Generation project of the Volga-Don NGO was held in the city library No. 6. The meeting took place on October 2, 2019.

Vladimir Sinelschikov, a member of the Russian Union of Professional Writers, read his story and poems. All participants in the meeting were fascinated by his manner of performing their works. Continue reading “Man is not alive by bread alone”

День пожилого человека

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1 октября участники проекта “Активное поколение” подержанного Администрацией Волгодонска, РОО” Волга-Дон” и РОО” Парус Надежды” отметили Международный день пожилого человека на загородной базе отдыха” Тихие зори” присоединившись к международной акции “Возраст требует действия” . Continue reading “День пожилого человека”

Как жить дальше общественникам рассказали в 3-й поликлинике

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Лидия Пахнева

РОО «Волга-Дон» начала реализацию социально значимого проекта «Активное поколение», поддержанного администрацией Волгодонска. В преддверии Международного дня пожилого человека  24 и 25 сентября представители старшего поколения РОО «Волга-Дон» проходили обследование в Центре здоровья городской поликлиники №3 (главный врач Виктор Дорохов). Continue reading “Как жить дальше общественникам рассказали в 3-й поликлинике”