«Диалог» – для пожилых

В Азове прошла конференция, посвящённая реализации на территории области гуманитарной программы «Место встречи – диалог», организованной немецким фондом «Память, ответственность и будущее» (EVZ) совместно с российским «Фондом взаимопонимания и примирения» (ФВП). Цель программы: улучшение положения пожилых людей в стране.

Германский Фонд «Память, ответственность и будущее» и его российские партнёры считают, что люди даже весьма преклонного возраста могут играть важную роль в жизни общества. В особенности это касается жертв тоталитарных режимов, преследовавшихся при национал-социализме, сталинизме, которые ввиду своих биографий могут передать следующим поколениям бесценный опыт. Continue reading “«Диалог» – для пожилых”

Dialogue Forum project


Funding programme in Belarussia, Russia and Ukraine

The “Dialogue Forum” funding programme, operated by the Foundation EVZ, targets Belarussian, Russian and Ukrainian organisations that work to improve the life situation of the elderly in their home countries. The programme aims to enhance public recognition of the victims of National Socialism and Stalinism and to engender respect for their life achievements.

The Foundation is convinced that the elderly too can play an important role in society. Through the funding programme, senior citizens – particularly victims of the National Socialist regime and Stalinism – will be encouraged to take a more active part in community life. Support is provided for local meeting places that foster participation in a range of activities, some of which involve intergenerational exchanges. It is hoped to bring about a positive change in the perception of the elderly in society and to improve the welfare framework for this group.

Directing its support towards Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the Foundation is making EUR 300,000 available in each of these countries to fund projects for the elderly in 2009 and again EUR 300,000 in 2010.

Target group

The programme targets organisations from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus that want to establish meeting places for former forced labourers, concentration camp and ghetto inmates, prisoners of war, victims of the National Socialist occupation, people who suffered under Stalinism and other members of this age group.

The projects also intend to actively involve numerous other groups in their activities, for example socially committed volunteers, pupils, students and historians, staff in national and local authority bodies, and interested members of non-governmental organisations.

Regional organizers of the program

The Foundation commissioned program management support to its national organizers in Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Organizers of the program are responsible for its promulgation and administration, as well as for support of projects supported in their countries and combining them into a network. Information on the competitions for grants, national jury and the project selection criteria can be found on the websites of these organizers of the program.